Drank coffee (thank goodness). Lounged in the grass (the A&I grassy knoll??) with Noelle and Josh to watch The Final Inch. The bugs loved me, seven exceptionally itchy bites.
Bryce and I ate an obnoxiouslylarge amount of pasta for lunch. I met Sanam, she is very nice and later that night we sat on the concrete of Rey's patio and listened to Pilf tell us about politics, despite his drunkeness, despite the fact that he is learning english.
Oh my goodness, I slept for thirteen hours. I can't believe I fell asleep at 7:30pm and slept for more than half a day.
An incredibly culture-filled day which allows Noelle and I to stick up our noses and be somewhat snooty. We went to the Agent Orange exhibit downtown. The photography was beautiful but very sad. I think it is important for people to learn more about the birth defects in both Vietnam and America that came out of the spraying of agent orange.
Then we ate at Chili's (maybe not has culture-esque) but we drank obscene amounts of water and they offer black bean burgers. Except the waiter joked that being a vegetarian made me weird.
Next we trash talked Dike's favourite soccer team using chalk just in front of his building. I don't know anything about soccer, I just haven't used sidewalk chalk in years.
We chilled in Josh's apartment eating delicious margarita pizza, watched a little bit of Capote, than one of the best Office episodes (Michael: What's so funny? Pam: You had to be there. Michael: Oh hahah, it was a geography joke) and then the rest of Capote.
So good. And so haunting. One of my favourite parts was when Capote read a piece of the novel In Cold Blood to an audience. Sometimes I really enjoy hearing the story from the author's voice. They are the only ones who know exactly how it is supposed to sound.
Discovered the exotic underground pet market because Bryce and Laurel's friend Jake apparantly "has connections". There are baby foxes with ears that are just out of control. I want a baby cheetah. That stays a baby cheetah. Laurel, Sanam and I really laughed for a long time. Just laughed and laughed and hurt because bodies sometimes don't know how to handle that much laughter.
Sanam and I left with Bethel and Stormy and eventually Desel to climb into the random spot of woods somewhere on campus. We set up for a surprise birthday and I found people who also watch The Game on BET. hahahah.
Sanam and I watched the school play, A Servant of Two Masters. I actually really liked it. I love italian names and it was physical comedy. Now I am going to not leave my apartment for the rest of the weekend so I can write masterpieces.
BUT FIRST watch this video of Shihan at the Def Poetry Jam. I am still inlove with it.
and consider this quote:
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