One thing I have done a lot of so far, notwithstanding obsessivly watching The Office and taking my dog for a walk, is getting around to those movies that I constantly say I want to see. Such as...
Rachel Getting Married
I must commend Anne Hatheway for her performance, she proved that she deserved her Academy Award. Her character took on a life unlike any previous rendevous in her career, especially Princess Diaries.
Also, I just REALLY want my wedding to turn out exactly as the one in the movie did. I mean the blue cake??? The constant ecclectic music selection in the background, the outside tents and why not, I'll take the groom as well!
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
Sure I cry easily when watching touching movies, but I seriously was not anticipating the amount of sobbing that took place on my part at the end of this film. Like I surprised myself. The ending is nearly unbearable. The fact that the film is a childs point of view during the holocaust is already a tell tale sign that your heart is just going to ache and ache.
A quick synopsis: A little boy named Bruno is the son of a very involved German soldier who moves his family into a concrete mansion just a forest away from a concentration camp. Bruno, whose favorite past time is adventuring, comes across a little boy named Shmuel, a barbed wired fence between them. They build a friendship and Bruno, at eight or so, struggles with the heroic image of his father that he once had and the brutal reality fed to him by a just as confused Shmuel.
Please, please watch it. You may cry but it's completely necessary.
Things I find absolutly adorable:
1. This wedding (cup)cake
I guess my mind has really been on the big day, which is quite normal I think seeing as I am single and fear I will end up alone with thirteen million cats (I kid, kind of.) But seriously, if my cake doesn't get made by A. my mother or B. Duff from Charm City cakes, I am totally stealing this idea.
2. Dwayne Wade as you have never seen him before
I know, I know, give it a break, he already has two sons (both names starting with the letter Z, cool!) and he's like completely preoccupied with being all sweaty on the basketball court but I just refuse to stop being so obsessed. I am thinking this would make a great In-the-middle-of-the-summer-just-because type present!!
3. Childhood, I miss you
Do you remember dressing up your thumb prints in elementary school?? Because I most certainly remember LOVING it. Just to begin with it is a childs thumb print, it's nearly impossible not to go awwwwww after a little top hat and moustache or poka dot dress and a smile is added.
4. A new pet possibility, since baby pandas are kind of hard to find for keeps
I know they aren't considered that warm and cuddly, and I used to never be much of a reptile person but lately, I don't know, chameleons are quite appealing. I mean they change colors. And just look bad ass.
5. Up!
Just go see it. You will nearly throw up because it is so darn cute. And I laughed as well as teared up an embarassing amount. Well done Pixar, well done.
- I went to the Mira Mesa Farmers Market and learned about the raw almond conspiracy, ate sea urchin and met a man who farms jelly fish(???).
- Chased after my brother because he was screaming FUCK on this path behind our City Council building because a swarm of bees were unrelentlessly showing him how pissed off they were that he fell into their bush.
- Watching my brothers basketball team get whooped because the other team were all over 6 ft, were sponsored and had at least five coaches (one wearing a business suit, over kill for a seventh grade team??).
- Went to the padres game?? I know, baseball hahahaha
- Ate really delicious pizza with soy cheese, avocado, sundried tomatos and mushrooms from my new fave place Z Pizza.
Bon nuit!
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